"Nah, " I told myself. "A little lean is probably a good thing. Rain will run right off. "
I noticed my homemade firewood rack wasn't quite level before I spent part of the afternoon stacking half a cord of split logs in it. It was the second of two identical racks beside the steps outside the door that I filled up, dreaming with every stick of the glorious fires to come as winter settles in.
Finally evening tapped me on the shoulder and persuaded me to pour a glass of wine and stoke up a cigar.
As Mary and I lounged contentedly in the palace, planning supper and dreaming of the hot tub to follow we were startled by an earthquake - or a very close thunder boom. Or maybe a train derailment somewhere up the line.
In a matter of seconds our puzzled expressions transformed into an "ah" moment as we hustled over to check the stash.
And there was the proof that a little lean to an 8' X 5' rack of firewood does too make a difference.