An hour ago , as I sat in my new bird watching chair admiring chickadees at the feeder outside the window, I noticed a wolf crossing the lake on the ice in front of camp. The short video is interesting. Good thing the dogs were inside - you'll notice toward the end of the video that they discovered the interloper. If they'd had their way, Mr. Wolf wouldn't be looking any more for his supper tonight.
C'mon with me. Take a ride on my snowmobile as we travel from home to camp. The first part (just over 7 minutes) takes us across Pelican Lake (notice the slush and frozen slush caused by heavy snow on fairly thin ice), up and across Sioux Mountain, then west on the established, but not yet groomed, trail maintained by the local Ojibway Power Toboggan Club. We'll continue westward on the trail for the rest of this trip (part 2 - almost 21 minutes). The final couple minutes we're riding my newly cleared path through the woods. It seemed so wide as I was clearing it... You'll notice that the helmet cam is something new for me. I'm not used to riding with a horn sticking up from the top of my head. If the video doesn't load quickly, you might try putting it on pause for a couple minutes to allow the buffer to get a head start. Another tip: once started, click the symbol of four arrows at the bottom right corner of the video and view it in full screen mode. Happy trails! part 1 - leaving home Part 2 - arriving at camp
This was intended to capture the entire snowmobile trip from camp to home this afternoon. For some reason my helmet cam stopped recording after about 3 1/2 minutes. Sometimes the funniest moments are those least expected. I spent a couple hours this afternoon studying some video techniques and practicing with my cameras so I'll be able to make some little clips when the time is right. My tech challenges are pretty big, so I usually limit my sessions to avoid high frustration levels. The example here was, apparently, just one step past the limit. But it was such a simple procedure... Does anyone else talk to himself while trying to figure something out? We are still learning how to use my new cam. This is to see how it works mounted to the top of my snowmobile helmet, and also to get a feel for uploading times to the site as well as loading from the site to play. Hopefully we'll get the snowmobile under us later this week. I've just gotten a new GoPro cam and am learning how to use it and how to manipulate and upload videos. Here's a first effort from 9:30 this morning. The cam was mounted to the bill of my cap. Temperature was -28C ( -19F ). |