Then, inspiration kicked in and I created this fashionable, yet practical, warm weather camp thong using only a bottle of salad dressing and a piece of string.
Mary is impressed.Matter of fact she's still speechless, a half hour later. You can only imagine how proud she is...
What have you created today?
- Michelle Woodruff I am speechless. As I imagine Mary is as well
- Melinda Field What the heck... there's NO ONE out there to see you! ... Just the hundreds of your friends. You're priceless...
- Mike D'Amour There is no way to unsee what should never, ever been seen. All I can say is: "Hey lady, put a shirt on!"
- Melinda Field Page 1 of Mac's "SELFIEs" file...
- Cherie Smith hilarious!
- Toni Ely Oh my goodness!! This just made me laff out loud!!!! Dick you are a one!! Made my dayxx
- Barbara Fritz Nice to know age hasn't mellowed you, Dick.
- Marnie Adam It might hurt if you run.
- Lesley Ely OMG!!!!! Fan...bloomin...tastic......what would we do without
- Debbie Reynolds Michaud You are too funny!
- Derek Donio Now we know the secret salad ingredient!
Good thing I'm a carnivore! - Marnie Adam Its kind of like driving past a traffic accident - you can't help but look.
- Sandi Boucher O M G! lol
- Carol Frejek I a leaf was good enough for Adam who are we to judge
- Lois B Gray Mary better check the expiry date on that that bottle and shake it before u use it! Haha LOL!
- Stuart Cummings French, Italian, Russian or Honey-I-Can't-Cut-The-Mustard-Any-More?
- Mike D'Amour Hey! Something's fishy here — last year that was a Tabasco bottle!
- Jim Pronger What kind of dressing is that?
- Michele Blackhall · Friends with Mike D'Amourthank goodness for the "I don;t want to see this button" lololol
- Dick MacKenzie Pretty casual, Jim. Just two slippers and a thong...
- George Friesen I understand Mary's astonishment...
- Marnie Adam Has Mary been able to speak yet?
- Dick MacKenzie Not yet, Marnie. I think something's wrong. Now she has gone blind, too.
- Barry Streib What bottle of salad dressing - isn't that just you ??
- Charla Robinson I'm with Mary...speechless!!!
- Barbara Kallio Playgirl magazine is sending you an audition
- Mark-Stacie Burnell-Edgar I would have used a much larger bottle.... Just sayin!
- Joy Bridgwater Lol
- Julie Ogden No Words!
- Dick MacKenzie Mark, you know about shrinkage, don't you?
- Karen Kartinen Speechless
- Mark-Stacie Burnell-Edgar "I was in the POOL!" I guess lake here! Lol
- Jill Rushak Williams Never a dull moment Dick!
- Dick MacKenzie Wouldn't I look some silly with a 5 gallon jerry can strapped to my waist! Better to adopt the Rue Paul manoeuver, wear a smaller jug, and maintain my dignity.
- Mark-Stacie Burnell-Edgar Whatever it takes to hide"it" I guess?
- Barbara O'Donovan Best Oh. My. God.
- Barbara O'Donovan Best So many comments. All inappropriate! But thanks for the laugh!
- Cj Mackenzie Was that cucumber dressing?
- George Friesen One hour later and I'm still chuckling. Vicki, much like Mary, is still speechless. Good thing Blair is not there to urge you on to "greater" feats!!
- Dave Burke Lmao omg!!
- Bruce Mackenzie · Friends with Mike D'AmourNow I truly believe all Mackenzie's are a little out there.
- Nancy Sharon Jurentkuff I guess you're not running for public office.
- Wally Wheeler Just Mayor of the Island.
- Ed Collin Glad this wasn't the day I chose to visit
- Willy Cole Mr kraft Canada lol you have balls.
- Dick MacKenzie I'm not much of a politician, Sharon, but I could teach Jerry Weiner a thing or two about modesty.
- Willy Cole I thing your going viral. Lol I can't stop laughing
- Paula Moore I think I just found one of the clowns the circus is missing. Dick, note from Jordan (who just saw this) "OMG I didn't need to see that... that type of stuff isn't hereditary is it?!!?" I'm still laughing.
- Nadine Arpin well isn't that a fine how do you do!
- Melissa Wilson Dick, you are now officially my favourite person in Sioux Lookout.
- Carolyn Stouffer My husband said "What the hell???
- Theresa Crann Your... too sexy for your salad dressing.... (you know the song...) Dave and I are laughing out loud here in Churchill!!!! bahahaha!
- Joseph Alan Goodier Thank gosh we see this every day in Toronto!! Nice legs! ha, regards Joey
- Mauri Neal Marchand Judging from the # of comments.... I believe this photo has earned a spot on tour next timeline movie !!! Bravo Dick (no pun intended
- Eila Regaudie · Friends with Sandi Boucher and 1 otherHo Lee Chit
- Mike Dubé · Friends with Nadine Arpin and 9 othersWhere's the unsee button on this computer?
- Francantonio Bastone Welcome to Happy Dick's Agora
- Barbara Allen · Friends with Lawrence GaronLOL
- Lesli Ann Kemp-Marshall · 15 mutual friendsOMG this is the funniest thong I have seen all day !!
- Jackie Crescio Alcohol must be involved
- Jp Holiday Thanks for this. You just made me feel one step closer to sanity.
- John Milling Ranch goes with anything
- Lynnell Frenning-Wallace O my....and you are standing there SO proud as a peacock!!! LMAO
- Jim Ginzer It's always good to make your wife proud. To Mary, I'd suggest a pair of camp shorts for your birthday. I guess Christmas would be sooner. Tomorrow wouldn't be too quick!
- Francantonio Bastone Right now you are probably wishing you had a bigger deck.
- Major DevilWoman Don't forget to get undressed before getting into the hot tub! LOL!
Find your flowerdy robe. - Kathy Santerre I may never look at another bottle of dressing the same again!
- Duane Broderick Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!!
- Genevieve Kakekaspan If I ever visit you at your camp I don't think I'll have salad, it'll be too funny putting your underwear in my salad lol
- Patrice Mousseau Dressing for your gentlemens vegatables
- Lyn Wright Oh my God, what the hell? was my first reaction. Now I'm going to read the post and see what this is about, but damn, if you aren't something.
- Lyn Wright Mary is right and I sure hope you don't go viral but someone is going to be tempted. LOL, you are something. Notice I didn't say what.
- Sharon Boissonneault · 6 mutual friendsAll I can think of is.... OMG !!
- Kathy Webb (Wolf whistle sound!) LOL
- Michael O'brien Black glasses that I cannot see through in case I visit you
- Madeline Dodge Only a mother could love such a person...I think???
- Paul Ackert I'm lost for words friend
- Fred Southwell What do you use for the backside?? Maybe a ketchup bottle ! ?
- Dick MacKenzie Fred, my ponytail will cover the back when it grows long enough.
Ma, hard to believe someone can go from childhood to second childhood without at least a brief stop at responsible adulthood, isn't it? - Fred Southwell I hear ya !!!
- Barbara Kallio You know what they say, the older you get the more you realize people can just kiss your butt. I think you have taken it to a new extreme
- Barbara O'Donovan Best Asian dressing? 250 ml bottle? Lol
- Stewart Cameron · Friends with Mauri Neal MarchandBlows Victoria's "secret" out of the water!